1. With jog centrifugal function
2.Adopt microcomputer processor for precise control, easy to operate, and the LCD screen displays various operating parameters in real time
3.The instrument is equipped with a special step separation technology, and different gradients can be designed according to different reagent requirements.
4.Built-in a variety of conventional centrifugation work programs, and customers can program the centrifugation program by pressing the button
5. Adopt large torque brushless DC motor, easy to operate, no dust, fast lifting speed
6. Electronic smart door lock: with system self-check protection system, safe and reliable, easy to operate
Technical Parameters
Model |
Max. Speed |
4000rpm |
Max. RCF |
2250*g |
Max. Capacity |
24 cards |
Timing Range |
1s-999min |
Speed Precision |
±10rpm |
Power Supply |
Standard: 220V 50Hz, Optional: 110V 60Hz, external transformer |
Noise |
≤60dB (A) |
External Size |
254*350*475mm |
Net Weight |
17kg |
Packing Size |
520*420*370mm |
Gross Weight |
22kg |
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