Programmable Salt Spray(Fog)Cabinets

Programmable Salt Spray(Fog)Cabinets

Category: Weathering Test


The salt spray test is a standardized test method used to check corrosion resistance of coated samples. Coatings provide corrosion resistance to metallic parts made of steel, zamak or brass. Since coatings can provide a high corrosion resistance through the intended life of the part in use, it is necessary to check corrosion resistance by other means. Salt spray test is an accelerated corrosion test that produces a corrosive attack to the coated samples in order to predict its suitability in use as a protective finish. The appearance of corrosion products (oxides) is evaluated after a period of time. Test duration depends on the corrosion resistance of the coating; the more corrosion resistant the coating is, the longer the period in testing without showing signs of corrosion.

Salt spray testing is popular because it is cheap, quick, well standardized and reasonably repeatable. There is, however, only a weak correlation between the duration in salt spray test and the expected life of a coating (especially on hot dip galvanized steel where drying cycles are important for durability), since corrosion is a very complicated process and can be influenced by many external factors. Nevertheless, salt spray test is widely used in the industrial sector for the evaluation of corrosion resistance of finished surfaces or parts.

The apparatus for testing consists of a closed testing chamber, where a salted solution (mainly, a solution of 5% sodium chloride) is atomized by means of a nozzle. This produces a corrosive environment of dense saline fog in the chamber so that parts exposed in it are subjected to severely corrosive conditions.

Tests performed with a standardized 5% solution of NaCL are known as NSS (neutral salt spray). Results are represented generally as testing hours in NSS without appearance of corrosion products (e.g. 720 h in NSS according to ISO 9227). Other solutions are acetic acid (ASS test) and acetic acid with cooper chloride (CASS test), each one chosen for the evaluation of decorative coatings, such as electroplated copper-nickel-chromium, electroplated copper-nickel or anodized aluminium.

Some sources do not recommend to use ASS or CASS test cabinets interchangeably for NSS tests, as it is claimed that a thorough cleaning of the cabinet after ASS or CASS test is very difficult. ASTM does not address this issue, but ISO 9227 does not recommend it and if it is to be done, advocates a thorough cleaning.

           Biuged offer various Salt Spray Cabinets from 150L capacity to customized cabinets according to different requirements. All of cainets not only can run NSS test but also CASS or ASS test


Structure Feature


◆Cabinets are made of imported 5mm PVC ploy plate(Nanya, Taiwan), max. durable temperature is 85 ℃

◆Cabinet sealing cover is made of European 6mm acrylic sheets

◆Salt solution reservoir equipped with water level is   designe in the chamber,easy to clean

◆Humidifying tower is made of SUS 304#, endurable high pressure and good thermal insulation effect.

◆Specimen supports designed specially ensure a adjustable position angle for each specimen in order to get a uniform fog and a big   specimen capacity.

◆Use water to seal working room, ensure the corrosion fog not to leak.

Electric system is separated from water system, avoid water to enter electric control box to damage accessories

◆There is a hole used to drain off fog at the back and bottom of chamber, its damater is 48mm, just used other pipe to connect this hole to drain off the fog from the working room

  Sealing Cover

V   shape , the top ange is 100º, prevent condensate water during the test from dropping to   specimen surface and affect testing results.


In order to ensure the working room to get uniform fog while   spraying, this chamber use a special structure glass nozzle to atomize salt solution   absolutely, then fog enter a subuliform tower installed in the working room   and spray to all working room uniformly.    The installation height of atomizing tower can be adjusted to control   spray fog amount precisely.   

Fog Collector

Fog collectors are tapered funnels whose diameter are 100mm   and installed in the working room.At the bottom of the funnel, there is a   silicone pipe which connect with graduated cylinder installed outside. These   graduated cylinders are used to monitor spray fog amount


For working room, heating tube is   made of titanium alloy, water vapour heat the working room under the control   of P.I.D

   Salt Solution

The salt solution prepared well is stored in salt solution reservoir,   and flow into supplying container under the water level difference. This   supplying container is equipped with an automatic water leveling device which   can control automatically the max. water level to keep a certain distance   with spray nozzels.


Is made of SUS304# stainless steel, and its temperature can   be set from RT-63℃ and heating up time≤60 min, can add water   automatically.Water level is monitored and system would alarm once exceed set   level value.


Armoured titanium alloy electric heating tube(at the bottom of working room)

Armoured SUS316# electirc heating tube(Humidifying tower)

Heating controlling method:SSR

Fog Spray System

   Spray Fog

Use Bernouilli’s principle to absorb salt solution then   atomize it

Air Compressor→Oil-water Separator(first)→Air Storage Tank→Relief Valve→Total Solenoid Valve→Oil-water   Separator(second)→Saturator→Pressure Regulating Valve→Solenoid Valve for   spraying→Spray Nozzle

Spray Nozzle

made of special glass, can control fog amount and spraying   angle


Spray pressure can be adjusted from 0.07MPa to 0.17 MPa, in   order to make sure the spray pressure generated from spray nozzle be within   the range of standard requirments,  it   is divided into two steps, adjust air pressure to 0.2MPa to 0.3 MPa as the   first step, then adjust to 0.07MPa to 0.17 MPa under the second step

    Drain away

Can drain away fog by manual or set a program to do it.   Feed fresh compressed air to working room then drain away the fog of the   working room quickly

Electronic Control System


E5CC   digital display temperature controller imported from Omron, Japan. control   working room and humidifying tower temperature


Worked at fixed value, starting and   stopping is timed

Setting Method

English menu, input data by key


0.1℃ (temperature)


Digital display , can set second,   minute, 10 minutes, hour, 10 hours , 9,999 hours, 1 second


Digital display , spray time and interval time can be set freely,   infinite cycle. Timing unit: second, minute, 10 minutes, hour, 10 hours(switch freely) 9,999 hours, 1 second.

Safety Protection Device


Over temperature protection,  water leakage protection


Over temperature protection,  water leakage protection


Anti-dry safety protection: all heaters of the cabinet   are fitted with a temperature limit protection, which can effectively solve the   problem of overheating , heating tube dried , abnormal water supply, short   circuit and overload etc.

Water Supply

Water level protector for working room, low water level   protector for humidifying tower


Earth leakage protection, overload and short-circuit   protection



ISO 4611 《Plastics—Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water spray and salt mist》

ISO 7253 《Paints and varnishes -- Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray (fog) 》

ISO 9227 《Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres -- Salt spray tests》

ASTM B 117 《Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus》

ASTM B368 《Standard Test Method for Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt Spray (Fog) Testing (CASS Test) 》

ASTM B 380 《Standard Test Method for Corrosion Testing of Decorative Electrodeposited Coatings by the Corrodkote Procedure》

ASTM G85 - 11 《Standard Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog) Testing》

ASTM D 1735 《Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water Fog Apparatus》

DIN 50021 《Salt Spray Testing》

 Working Room Temperature Range:RT~50℃

 Humidifying Tower Temperature Range:RT~63℃

 Temperature Uniformity:≤ ±2℃(No-load)

 Temperature Stablility:≤ ±0.5℃(No-load)

 Temperature Devitation of Working Room:±1.0℃

 Temperature Increasing Rate:RT→55℃ less than 60 minutes(working room);RT→63℃ less than 60 minutes(saturated barrel)

 Compressed Air Supply:Customer should prepare a air compressor which can offer clean,waterless and oilless compressed air,0.4MPa~0.8MPa pressure


Ordering Information 

Technical Parameters 

BGD 880/S

BGD 881/S

BGD 882/S

BGD 883/S

Working Room SizeW×H×D),mm





Working Room Capacityno including V shape cover

108 L

270 L

480 L

800 L

 V Shape Cover Volume

Appr. 50 L

Appr. 140 L

Appr. 250 L

Appr. 380 L

Overall SizeW×H×D),mm





Qua. of V Shape sample holder/pole





Tank capacity for Salt Solution










Max. Sample Capacity(15cm×7cm)

28 pcs

70 pcs

108 pcs

120 pcs

Method of Opening Cover





Total Power

2.2 KW

2.2 KW  

3.8 KW   

3.8 KW

Salt Solution Consumption

15 L/d

15 L/d

25 L/d

25 L/d

Water for heating Consumption

30 L/d

30 L/d

40 L/d

40 L/d

Compressed Air Consumption





Power Supply



Optional Accessories

BGD 1356---Glass Spray Nozzle

BGD 2309---CR-4 Steel Panels for Calibration of Salt Spray(Conforms ISO 3574, 20 pcs for one package)

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