KF-K2-V New Manual Powder Coating Equipment for Quick Color Change

KF-K2-V New Manual Powder Coating Equipment for Quick Color Change

Category: Powder Coating Gun


KF-K2-V manual powder coating equipment is designed for easy use and efficiency, which applies new gun control technology that can handle any job  with ease, achieving the ideal coating of any challenging jobs from panels to profiles, plastic powders to metallic’ s and textured powders.


box feed powder coating equipment

This box feed powder coating equipment pulls powder directly from the box that the powder was packaged in by the powder coatings supplier. The box is typically placed on the base of the trolley that holds the gun controls. This allows for quick color changes and simple, intuitive operation. Powders are fully fluidized through vibration and air injection that ensures high quality coating.



KF-K2 Powder Coating Machine Smart Controller


1. All processing parameters (high voltage, charging current, powder ouptput, atomizing air)can be simply accessed and precisely controlled, easy  and ensures to find the optimal settings in every condition and allows repeatable settings.

3. Offers 3 pre-set standard application programs for beginners, including flat part coating, corner coating and re-coating demands,

4. For experience operator, up to 20 coating programs can be stored in the control unit. Each part can be coated always with its ideal settings.

professional powder coating system



COLO-08 Manual Electrostatic Spray Gun


1. 100 kV spray gun maximizes powder charging capacity while complying with safety regulations, delivers highest transfer efficiency during long lasting use, most powders are attracted to the metal parts with less waste.

2. Program and powder flow changes are fast and easy too. Just press the “P” button to move between coating modes. and use the handy up and down arrows for adjusting powder flow as you coat.

3. Full assembly of nozzles help you handle different coating jobs with ease, including flat nozzles, round nozzles and extension nozzles.



Why KF-K2 powder coating equipment is an excellent model?


1. Best coverage, even finish film on objects with complex shapes and corners.

2. Superior edge and corner coverage with one pass for consistent quality finishes

3. More regular powder distribution for powder savings

4. Constant powder outputs for more uniform finish

5. The usage of lastest generation components optimizes intelligent functions

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